El lenguaje en los trastornos autistas
Correspondencia: Dr. Josep Artigas Pallarès. Apartado de Correos 379. E-08200 Sabadell, Barcelona.
Fax: +34 93727 6154. E-mail: josepart@valser.es
Autism is a developmental disorder affecting social relationships, communication and flexibility of thought. These three basic aspects of autism may present in many different forms and degrees. Therefore autism should be considered to be a spectrum of autistic disorders rather than a single strictly defined condition. The spectrum of autistic disorders extends from intelligent individuals with acceptable social integration, to severely retarded patients with scarcely any social interaction. Language is almost always affected either in its formal aspects or in its usage. Autistic linguistic disorders form a specific language disorder (developmental dysphasia) and a pragmatic disorder linked both to the primary language problem and to the social cognitive deficit. We discuss the different linguistic syndromes observed in autistic patients with special emphasis on the semantic-pragmatic disorder [REV NEUROL 1999; 28 (Supl 2): S 118-23].